Conifers Garden


Cupressus arizonica var. nevadensis

Cupressus arizonica var. nevadensis - Piute cypress
  • Cupressus arizonica var. nevadensis - Piute cypress - Click to enlarge
  • Cupressus arizonica var. nevadensis bark - Click to enlarge
  • Cupressus arizonica var. nevadensis leaves - Click to enlarge


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Weight1.5 kg
Height15 - 20 cm

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Scientific name: Cupressus arizonica var. nevadensis  (Abrams) E.Little  1966

Synonyms: Callitropsis nevadensis (Abrams) D.P.Little, Cupressus arizonica subsp. nevadensis (Abrams) A.E.Murray, Cupressus macnabiana var. nevadensis (Abrams) Abrams, Cupressus nevadensis Abrams, Hesperocyparis arizonica var. nevadensis (Abrams) de Laub., Hesperocyparis goveniana var. nevadensis (Abrams) de Laub., Hesperocyparis nevadensis (Abrams) Bartel, Neocupressus arizonica var. nevadensis (Abrams) de Laub.

Common names: Piute cypress



Tree to 5(-20) m tall, with trunk to 0.6(-1.2) m in diameter. Bark on trunks becoming fissured and fibrous, 1-2 cm thick, exfoliating in long strips, grayish brown. Crown dense, conical, broadening with age. Branchlets four-sided, 1.3-2.3 mm in diameter, branching from all four rows of leaves. Leaves conspicuously and actively glandular. Scale leaves on branchlets 1-2 mm long, dark green or gray-green with wax, the edges minutely toothed, the back usually with a conspicuous drop of dried resin in an open gland. Pollen cones 2-5 mm long, about 2 mm wide, with (4-)5-8(-10) pairs of pollen scales, each with (three or) four to six pollen sacs. Seed cones (1.5-)2-3(-3.5) cm in diameter, remaining closed at maturity. Seeds 3-6 mm long, with to 2 mm wide, occasionally slightly waxy, red-brown to dark brown, more or less glaucous. Cotyledons three to five (or six).

Although long considered a variety of Cupressus arizonica, recently some researchers have recognized it again as a species and erected a new genus to accommodate this and the other American cypresses. The latter was the result of molecular studies and phylogenetic considerations, but most recent similar work appears to make the new genus unnecessary. There are virtually no morphological characters to support such a shift.

Kern County, south-central California; 900-1,500 m.


Conservation Status

Red List Category & Criteria: Endangered

This variety meets criteria B1abc and 2abc for listing as Endangered, as destructive fires can wipe out entire subpopulations (“groves”) and thereby drastically reduce the number of mature individuals in the population (resulting in continuing declines and extreme fluctuations). If this should happen in the largest subpopulation, more than half of all mature trees might be destroyed. Regeneration usually follows fires, but the success of this will decline as fire frequency changes thus making the population subject to extreme fluctuations. Changes in fire frequencies (either too frequent or too infrequent) can work negatively on the successful regeneration to mature trees.

The population is probably between 3,000 and 5,000 mature trees, but the number fluctuates following devastating fires. This variety is found in mixed conifer/ broadleaved woodland with Pinus sabiniana, Quercus spp., Juniperus californica, Fremontia californica, Yucca whipplei, and in valley scrub-grassland. On dry hills, ridges and in ravines.

This variety has a limited distribution in ca. 12 subpopulations (groves) of different size in four localities, the largest being on the north slope of Bald Eagle Peak south of the little town of Bodfish, covering more than 200 ha with several thousand trees. These subpopulations occur both on private and public lands. Fire, cutting or clearing of 'brush' to extend pasture, and competition by shrubs and trees are some of the major factors that negatively influence the abundance of Cypresses. A major burn all but destroyed the Cannell Creek grove several years ago.

This variety is probably used in cultivation only locally and/or sporadically. In the past, trees were cut for fence posts, chosen for the small size and straight habit of most trees and the durability of its wood. Changes in fencing techniques on ranches have made this use largely redundant.

Proper management of bush fires is by far the main factor to be addressed in the conservation of this variety. The main subpopulation is protected within the 310-acre Bodfish Piute Cypress Botanical Area managed by the Sequoia National Forest: The Bureau of Land Management manages the adjacent 865-acre parcel as the Piute Cypress Research Natural Area.


Cultivars: -



  • Farjon, A. (2010). A Handbook of the World's Conifers. Koninklijke Brill, Leiden.
  • Eckenwalder, J.E. (2009) Conifers of the World: The Complete Reference. Timber Press, Portland.
  • IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Cambridge, UK /Gland, Switzerland

Copyright © Aljos Farjon, James E. Eckenwalder, IUCN, Conifers Garden. All rights reserved.

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