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Calocedrus macrolepis

Calocedrus macrolepis - Chinese incense-cedar, Yunnan cypress
  • Calocedrus macrolepis - Chinese incense-cedar, Yunnan cypress  - Click to enlarge
  • Calocedrus macrolepis branches - Click to enlarge
  • Calocedrus macrolepis leaves - Click to enlarge


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Weight1.5 kg
Height15 - 20 cm

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Scientific name: Calocedrus macrolepis  Kurz  1878

Synonyms: Calocedrus macrolepis var. macrolepis, Heyderia macrolepis (Kurz) H.L.Li, Libocedrus macrolepis (Kurz) Benth. & Hook.f., Thuja macrolepis (Kurz) Voss

Common names: Chinese incense-cedar, Yunnan cypress (English), Cui bai (Chinese)



Tree to 30(-35) m tall, with trunk to 1.5 m in diameter. Bark grayish brown. Crown conical, greatly broadening and rounding with age but remaining fairly dense. Branchlet sprays dark green above, paler beneath with greenish white, waxy stomatal zones. Scale leaves of adult branchlets 3-4 mm long (to 8 mm on main twigs), the free tips rounded, giving a beadlike appearance to the branchlets, without glands. Juvenile leaves broader and flatter, with spreading, pointed tips, reminiscent of Fujian cedar (Fokienia hodginsii). Pollen cones 6-8 mm long, with 7-10 pairs of pollen scales. Seed cones (1-)1.5-2 cm long, at the tips of cylindrical or four-angled branchlets 3-17 mm long. Seeds 10-18 mm long, including the wing.

Southwestern China and adjacent Myanmar and Vietnam. Canopy tree in dry, open, montane mixed forests; (800-)1,000-2,000 m.


Conservation Status

Red List Category & Criteria: Endangered

Calocedrus macrolepis has a wide but fragmented distribution in southern China, Myanmar, Thailand, Lao PDR and Vietnam. Its extent of occurrence and area of occupancy are above the maximum IUCN thresholds. The majority of the subpopulations are thought to be in Yunnan; most of these show some signs of regeneration. However, it is uncertain how many of these subpopulations represent wild occurrences. Although there has been range wide exploitation in the past and although there is an ongoing decline in Viet Nam and Lao PDR, it is uncertain if the total decline is sufficient for even a global listing of Vulnerable under the IUCN’s criterion A. In the absence of such information an assessment of Near Threatened (nearly meeting VU A2cd) is appropriate.

In China it has been estimated that the population comprises 196,632 plants although it is uncertain if this estimate includes re-afforested areas. The major subpopulations are found in Yunnan province. In Vietnam and Lao PDR subpopulations are small and localized and have been severely reduced by logging and conversion of forest to agriculture. In Thailand it is only known from a small area and subpopulations are consequently small. The status of localities and subpopulations in Myanmar is uncertain. Previously it was thought to be more widespread but populations occurring in limestone karst areas of central and northern Vietnam have recently been identified as a separate species, Calocedrus rupestris.

In China it occurs in montane mixed evergreen conifer-broad-leaved forest dominated by Fagaceae and with scattered conifers, e.g. Cunninghamia, Keteleeria and Pinus; also in rocky places and much planted in roadsides and field margins. The altitudinal range is from ca. 800 m to 2,000 m a.s.l. Outside of China it generally occurs from 800 to 1500 m a.s.l. in evergreen hill forests. In Vietnam and Lao PDR it occurs with Dacrycarpus imbricatus, Dacrydium elatum and Keteleeria evelyniana. It is often found along watercourses.

The major threat has been overexploitation for its valuable timber throughout its range. In southern Vietnam and Lao PDR it has also been, and continues to be threatened by forest fragmentation, forest fire and conversion of its habitat to agricultural use. In China it has been assessed as nationally Vulnerable under the IUCN A2 criterion; in Vietnam it has been assessed as Endangered under a range of criteria. No formal assessment has been undertaken in Lao PDR, Myanmar or Thailand.

In China this species is considered suitable for afforestation of deforested lands in its native area because of its easy germination (also grows from cuttings) and light-demanding properties combined with rapid growth. Its wood has good properties, e.g. durability, but trees tend to be much branched especially when grown in open vegetation. In Vietnam and Lao PDR the timber and resin are highly valued for high value furniture and incense.

In China, most plants occur near temples and so are protected. In other parts of its range it occurs in many protected areas such as Nakai Nam Theun National Biodiversity Area (Lao PDR), Bi Doup National Park (Vietnam) and Phu Kradung in Thailand.

It has legal protection in China under the National List (2nd degree of protection). The Government of China has also imposed a recent ban on all logging. In Vietnam it is included on the List of Rare and Precious Flora which restricts its exploitation. In Lao PDR, Myanmar and Thailand it has no formal protection.

Conservation Actions: Further research is required to establish its distribution and status in Myanmar and in the central Annamite ranges of Vietnam and Lao PDR.





  • Farjon, A. (2010). A Handbook of the World's Conifers. Koninklijke Brill, Leiden.
  • Eckenwalder, J.E. (2009) Conifers of the World: The Complete Reference. Timber Press, Portland.
  • IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Cambridge, UK /Gland, Switzerland

Copyright © Aljos Farjon, James E. Eckenwalder, IUCN, Conifers Garden. All rights reserved.

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